1. Rejection is often devine protection, often God's reason for rejection is that person doesn't value you
2. Rejection is only temporary and fulfilment from seeking my goals compounds self worth
3. Self confidence and Self Worth are not the same
4. Work on your self worth by being of value to others
5. Being a Billionaire doesn't mean you don't have issues with self worth
6. It's because I have problems that qualifies me to be of service to others
7. Use the spiritual belief that this higher force is with you all the time not just part of the time
8. Rejection is a tool to building self worth it tempers my character
9. Finding connection in the smallest of encounters allows me to compound my self worth
10. Self worth is impacted by the stories I tell myself, by being more loving and compassionate I will strengthen my self worth
11. Self worth is the compass to where I will go in life
12. The more I connect the more I am worth even the small actions make a difference
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