10 Major Organizational Concepts in Apple Logic Pro v 10.7 (2023)
This software is used to produce many professional music projects. It can be purchased as a complete studio on the (Apple) computer for $300! Out of the box you can record 24-bit audio in Dolby Atmos surround sound.
Apple Logic's capabilities are staggering and learning it takes lots of study and practice. There are over 2,000 features that can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts alone!
Most people only use a tiny fraction of its features.
These concepts help you organize your work. You can also apply them to be practical/functional to help organize an efficient workflow or creatively generate new ideas.
They fall into a few large categories:
- transport navigation (organizing/navigating music over time. Recording, looping, playback)
- Categorization (color coding, setting regions based on instrumentation or function)
- User interface windows/views (Toggling features/displays depending on your tasks)
- Settings and Templates (that can be stored and used on multiple projects)
- Tool Switching (depending on the task you are in)
- Editing

1. Tracks
These are zones where you can record/import audio and midi files. They are treated as a group. You can apply effects and settings to the group and also move regions in time
2. Regions
Regions are what appear on a track
3. Locators
Shortcuts to be able to jump to a section
4. Markers
Help you label parts of the project: like "verse" "chorus" etc.
5. Mapping (beats, tempos, automations)
6. Loops, Cells and Scenes
For loop Based Production
7. Templates (groove templates, pattern templates, key bindings)
The concept of a template is used throughout the application. They can be saved and recalled.
You can view a plug in as either a graphic representation (showing things that represent physical buttons) or a list of data. There are also other many other views.
9. Windows and Screensets
Many workflows have window that can be toggled on and off. You can save windows into collections of screen sets.
10. Settings
You can import and export project settings. This is helpful whether you are working on recording, mixing or mastering.
11. Automation
Almost anything with a number can be automated using MIDI or other commands over time. These can be saved and copied across projects.
12. Color Coding
You can assign colors for any reason that you would like. It is handy to be able to label similar instruments or parts.
13. marquee selection
This lets you select multiple tracks in the same time region
14. Piano Roll or Score editing for MIDI information
Included in Logic is a full blown Musical Score editing program. You can specify fingerings and articulations.
15. Step Editor and Step Sequencer for grid-editing of midi information
16. Events
This shows all midi data in a list format
17. Audio Files
In the process of generating new audio files you can save, bounce, sample, import, and export smaller parts of your project as audio.
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