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10 things I learned from 9 Steps to Heal Your Resentment and Reboot Your Marriage by Tanja Pajevic

This was a good short book. I listen to the audiobook. If I decide to do it again, I will get the paperback because it was intended to be used as a workbook.

Frank and realistic discussions about how to improve your relationships.

    1. The steps:

    Step 1: Figure Out What Makes You Resentful

    Step 2: Learn When to Say Yes and When to Say No

    Step 3: Honor Who You Are and Where You Came From

    Step 4: Figure Out What Makes You Happy

    Step 5: Reframe and Retrain Your Brain

    Step 6: Communicate More Clearly and Effectively

    Step 7: Learn How to Have Fun Again

    Step 8: Decide What Kind of Marriage You Want to Have

    Step 9: Decide What Kind of Life You Want to Have

    2. Make a list of everything that you’re resentful about. This will probably be a huge list.

    3. Determine things that you were no longer willing to do and then outsource them or just stop doing them.

    4. if you are sick of cooking, just have sandwiches for dinner or cereal

    5. Create space in your life by saying no to at least one thing every day

    6. Make a list of 20 things that make you happy: This is your rewards list.

    7. Expand your rewards list until you have 50 or more.

    The rewards could be simple like going for a walk or bigger ones. If you don’t have time to watch an entire movie, just watch a movie for 10 minutes.

    8. Choose one thing that you will do every day just for yourself. Play music, watch a movie, paint, etc.

    9. When you transition from one part of life to another, you must grieve over what you leave behind.

    10. Spend five minutes writing about what you lost in the old way of life and another five minutes writing about what you gained with a new wave of life

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