10 things I learned from Benny Lewis about learning languages
1. Get over the fear
You're going to suck when you learn anything new, but most people can't get past that and think they have to be perfect
2. Speak right away, even if you don't know any words
3. Set a deadline on what you want to accomplish with learning a language
4. Local teachers may be cheaper, especially given the currency exchange
5. Fluency is different than communication
You don't have to be fluent to communicate with someone else
6. 15 min a day probably won't help you improve that much
7. Spaced repetition is great for learning vocab
8. Focus on getting the basics and then move to more advanced topics like grammar, vocabulary, conjugation
9. Immersing yourself in the language at the local country is the best way to learn
10. Embrace mistakes
This isn't school or an exam. Nobody is grading you on your mistakes or laughing at you behind your back.
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