10 Things I learned from Books This Week
Observations from:
First 4:
The Life Brief A Playbook for No-Regrets Living Bonnie Wan
Next 3:
Look Again The Power of Noticing What Was Always There Tali Sharot
Next 3:
A Curious Mind by Brian Glazer
1. Start practicing and stop planning.
Planning close your mind to opportunities that might come from actually practicing and doing things.
Plans prevent us from seeing the pathways around us
2. What you can plan is too small for you to live
3. Get messy get clear and get active
4. give yourself permission to stop doing certain things
This can be liberating
5. habituation
getting used to something like the smell of a litterbox or your perfume. Or a spouse, drugs, exercise, fear, etc.
It can be both negative and positive: getting used to reality.
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