10 things to do before turning 75 to insure a better quality of life after turning 75
Great list here. Adding to Chris' point about health, cut carbs and seed oils and lift weights. There's no such thing as too old to lift weights. You need to be smart about it but never too old.
The picture is of Charles Eugster. He was 93 in that picture. Lifting weights effectively will give you the body composition of someone much younger. If you're younger looking on the outside, you're probably then also younger on the inside.
Today I am 53. When I was 25 years old, I never imagined that I would be 53. Now that I am 53, that age feels pretty normal. I am watching my mother and my mother-in-law age, very painfully, into advanced old age. They are both becoming increasingly sick and helpless at 85 and 97 years old.
Since I was 25 I have learned a lot of life experience. If I can consciously apply this knowledge to my next 25 years or so, I can ensure a better quality of life for my next 25 years and possibly my next 50 years.
These realizations plus a recent health scare has made me feel that the timer is now ticking. I don't have an unlimited amount of lifetime left. I want to make it count.
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