10 things to do by the end of August 2023
I am influenced today by the idea of working backwards: make the announcement first and then figure out how to do it:
Amazon’s Not So Secret Weapon
The magic of Working Backwards: a real-world case study
1. Plan the next 12 week year (Sept - Nov)
Focus on things to NOT do as well as things to do
2. Finish guitar build
3. Make revisions to guitar notebooks
Re publish with larger graphics
4. Publish a one take video about transitioning from CAGED to P4 (guitar)
Practice set up but do it in one take.
5. Publish triad studies book
6. Split p4 book into 2 books
7. Publish a one take video about p4 triads
8. Publish fretboard diagrams to GitHub
There are thousands....
9. Video(s) about writing book with visual studio, GitHub and Chat GPT
Also publish the book that gets written
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