10 types of projects that should be tracked and planned: what should an app be able to do?
The app should be flexible. You should be able to view a project on a calendar, from the perspective of finances, estimates, taxes, and people. UX should rarely be more than three clicks away from any information or tasks. You should be able to use the same tool for work or personal issues.

1. Software development projects
Substitute for Jira or similar tools
2. Household expenses: maintenance
This could be to track expenses on your own home or rented properties. Be able to upload pictures before and after, also communications.
3. Household expenses: renovation and construction projects
make timelines, compare estimate to actual costs and times
4. Academic/learning projects. This planner would work in and out of school.
Track a semester at school, or progress in an online course. Market this to course makers and course takers.
5. Musical/sports practice schedules and regimens.
6. Manufacturing products: from materials acquisition to final delivery
7. Issue tracker for customer service or software
8. Manage a team of employees and a small business, like a lawn services company, tattoo studio, furniture repair, or bakery. Appointment setting, billing, and time tracking. Photos of before and after work completion.
Track jobs and send invoices. Payment provider plugins.
9. Child expenses: new clothes, dental work, piano lessons, after-school care. For budgeting and planning.
10. Video/Podcast production scheduler
Track all items needed, guests, topics, costs and revenues.
11. Health care issue tracking
For a hospital stay in the US you can get bills for over a year. We have stacks of bills and insurance documents from hospital stays that need to be managed and followed up and we need to track closure and progress on issues that can take months to resolve.
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