11 books on my "Currently Reading" list on Goodreads
I forgot about most of them, but I'm currently reading the first two and intending to finish #3. Not sure about the rest.
1. 'Disunited nations: Succeeding in a World Where No One Gets Along', Peter Zeihan
I got curious after listening to him on Jordan Harbinger's podcast.
2. 'How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life', Scott Adams
3. 'The 4-Hour Work Week', Tim Ferriss
4. 'The Neo-Generalist: Where You Go Is Who You Are', Kenneth Mikkelsen & Richard Martin
5. 'The Renaissance Soul: Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One' Margaret Lobenstine
6. 'Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization', Scott Barry Kaufman
I love Scott Barry Kaufman, and listening to The Psychology Podcast is always a treat. He's funny, interesting, charming, and I'd love to be friends with him. The subject of this book is interesting, and while his personality and quirkiness can be sensed throughout the book, I'm not sure I'm hooked enough to finish the whole thing. I might be better off checking out a summary.
7. 'Happiness by Design: Change What You Do, Not How You Think', Paul Dolan
Here, too, I feel like if I finish the book, I'll realize it could have been a blog post. This is the cast with a lot of (most?) nonfiction books, but that's okay when you really want to go in-depth and you enjoy the writing. In this case, I'm not sure yet.
8. 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams and Reaching Your Destiny', Robin S. Sharma
9. 'The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life', Twyla Tharp
This has happened to me with a few books now: When the author encourages you to do an exercise (often involving using a pen and paper), I think "I don't wanna do that right now, let me come back to it later" and then I don't come back to it at all. And yet, I think exercises are great. I've been trying to come up with some myself with a few books in order to better retain what I read.
10. 'The High 5 Habit', Mel Robbins
I was listening to the audiobook about a year ago. I was enjoying it and I started high-fiving myself in the mirror every day like she suggests. Felt pretty good. I'm glad I made this list because I completely forgot about this; maybe I'll start doing it again. On the other hand, I'm a bit conflicted about what she says on desire, but that's because desire is something that's been on my mind a lot. She says that when you feel jealous or somehow bad when observing someone who has/does something cool, it means you really want it and you should therefore do what you need to obtain it. Or something like that. I tend to think that sometimes, you don't really want it, or at least it's not what's right for you. Mark Manson talks about this: he uses an example from his own life, writing about when he really wanted to be a rock star, but he just wanted it because he liked the idea of being a cool dude on stage being showered with validation.
Anyway, maybe Mel Robbins offers some nuance later in the book, I don't know. I did find it quite valuable, offering tips and ideas beyond the simple high-five thing. For example, she encourages readers to spot heart-shaped things throughout the day as a way to be more positive. Cute.
11. 'The Science of Storytelling', Will Storr
This is a cool one! Storytelling from the perspective of neuroscience. I might pick it up again, especially considering I want to explore storytelling more.
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