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A Thousand Steps to Truth. (5 min 18 sec)


    1. Reflecting on the Journey of Love.

    A thousand days ago, I set out on a simple mission: write every day. Not to achieve something, not to impress anyone, and certainly not to chase the world’s approval. I wrote to discover truth, to extend love, and to see what would happen if I surrendered fully to the process.
    I’ve learned that the process itself is the reward. The act of showing up every day, pouring out whatever truth I could grasp in the moment, changed me. It taught me to trust, to let go, to forgive, and most importantly, to love.
    Today, to celebrate this milestone, I want to share with you 25 profound truths that have revealed themselves to me over these 1,000 days. These truths are sharp, punchy, and alive. Each one has shaped my journey and will shape yours if you let it.
    25 Truths from 1,000 Days of Writing
    Love is the only thing that’s real.
    What it means: Everything else—fear, anger, guilt, judgment—is an illusion. Love is eternal and unchanging.
    How to apply: In every moment, ask yourself: What would love do here? Then do that.
    Forgiveness is the bridge to peace.
    What it means: Forgiveness isn’t about condoning—it’s about releasing. When you forgive, you free yourself.
    How to apply: Start by forgiving yourself. Then forgive the world.
    The world is a mirror of your mind.
    What it means: Your external reality reflects your internal state. Change your thoughts, and you’ll change your experience.
    How to apply: Notice your judgments of others—they reveal what you need to heal in yourself.
    We are not separate.
    What it means: There is no “you” and “me.” There’s only one mind, one spirit, one love.
    How to apply: Treat everyone as an extension of yourself, because they are.
    Truth doesn’t need your belief.
    What it means: The truth is true whether you accept it or not. It simply is.
    How to apply: Stop arguing with reality. Be still and let truth reveal itself.
    The present moment is all there is.
    What it means: The past is a memory. The future is a projection. Only now is real.
    How to apply: Whenever your mind wanders, bring it back to now. Breathe.
    Fear is a call for love.
    What it means: Every fear, every grievance, is just love asking to be seen.
    How to apply: When fear arises, don’t fight it. Embrace it with compassion.
    You create your experience through thought.
    What it means: Your thoughts shape your reality. Choose wisely.
    How to apply: Pay attention to your thoughts. When they stray into fear or judgment, gently redirect them to love.
    Everyone is innocent.
    What it means: No one is guilty. We’re all doing the best we can with what we believe.
    How to apply: Drop your grievances. See the innocence in others—and yourself.
    Surrender is the gateway to freedom.
    What it means: Trying to control life only creates suffering. Let go and trust.
    How to apply: When things feel overwhelming, say, “I don’t know the way. Show me.”
    Your worth is inherent.
    What it means: You don’t need to prove anything. You are already enough.
    How to apply: Stop seeking validation. Rest in your inherent worth.
    Judgment blinds you to love.
    What it means: Every judgment separates you from the truth.
    How to apply: When you catch yourself judging, ask: What is this judgment protecting me from seeing?
    Gratitude transforms everything.
    What it means: Gratitude shifts your focus from lack to abundance.
    How to apply: Start and end every day by listing things you’re grateful for.
    You don’t need to understand to trust.
    What it means: Faith isn’t about knowing—it’s about surrendering to the unknown.
    How to apply: When life feels uncertain, remind yourself: I don’t need to understand. I just need to trust.
    Peace is always available.
    What it means: Peace isn’t something you achieve; it’s something you accept.
    How to apply: In any moment of chaos, pause and say, Peace is here now. I choose it.
    Happiness is a choice.
    What it means: Your circumstances don’t determine your happiness—your mindset does.
    How to apply: Choose to see every moment as an opportunity to love.
    Nothing real can be threatened.
    What it means: What’s eternal— God, love, truth, spirit—cannot be harmed.
    How to apply: When fear arises, remind yourself: I am safe because I am eternal.
    Resistance creates suffering.
    What it means: When you fight reality, you suffer. When you accept it, you find peace.
    How to apply: Let go of the “shoulds” and embrace what is.
    Your purpose is to extend love.
    What it means: Every moment is an opportunity to give love to the world.
    How to apply: Ask yourself, How can I be truly helpful right now?
    The world is neutral.
    What it means: The world isn’t good or bad—it’s your thoughts that color it.
    How to apply: When you feel triggered, remember: It’s not the situation—it’s my thoughts about it.
    Miracles are natural.
    What it means: A miracle is simply a shift from fear to love.
    How to apply: When faced with fear, ask for a miracle: Help me see this differently.
    You are not your thoughts.
    What it means: Thoughts arise, but they don’t define you.
    How to apply: Observe your thoughts without identifying with them.
    Love doesn’t compete.
    What it means: Love has no rivals, no winners or losers. It simply is.
    How to apply: Drop the need to “win” in relationships. Just love.
    All healing is self-healing.
    What it means: You heal the world by healing your mind.
    How to apply: Focus on clearing your own mind of fear, and watch the world transform.
    You are already home.
    What it means: You’ve never been lost. Love has never left you.
    How to apply: Stop seeking. Start remembering.
    What This Means
    This thousand-day journey wasn’t about reaching a destination—it was about trusting the process. These 25 truths are my celebration—not just of the past 1,000 days, but of the love, peace, and oneness that has always been here, waiting to be remembered.
    I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to James Altucher for creating — a platform that has become more than just a tool for writing; it’s been a gateway to transformation. Without James’s vision for this space, my thousand-day journey of writing might never have begun.
    NOTEPD isn’t just a place to jot down ideas; it’s a playground for creativity, a sanctuary for truth, and a reminder of the power of consistency. James, your work has inspired countless people to tap into their inner well of ideas and share them with the world. Thank you for building something so simple, yet profoundly impactful.
    This milestone of 1,000 days wouldn’t have been possible without the foundation you created. So, here’s to NOTEPD and to the power of showing up, day after day.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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