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Are You Just a Pretty Picture? (2 min)


    1. We may no longer be in the picture but we're always in the frame.

    The Picture.
    The "picture" is our physical existence and the roles we play in the world. It's the temporary, ever-changing scene of our lives, filled with different experiences, interactions, and identities.
    The Frame.
    The "frame," on the other hand, is the eternal truth and presence of our true Self. This is the unchanging, ever-present aspect of our being, which is the Sonship. It is the aspect of us that is always connected to God, beyond the illusions of the physical world.
    The physical world and our roles within it are but dreams, whereas our true Self is constant and eternal. Even when we are no longer participating in the physical aspects of life (the picture), our true essence (the frame) remains unaffected and ever-present.
    The picture changes, fades, or disappears, just like our roles and physical presence in the world. But the frame, the eternal truth, always remains. Our true identity is beyond the physical and the temporal.
    We are never gone or separated from God. Even if we seem to disappear from the worldly picture, our essence remains within the eternal frame of God's love.
    The frame is the unchanging and ever-present truth of who we are. It's a call to remember our divine essence, which remains constant regardless of the shifting scenes of our lives.
    This metaphor beautifully encapsulates that while our physical existence seems to change or end, our true, eternal Self remains unaltered. It reminds us to focus on the eternal frame rather than the fleeting picture.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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