Bedroom Olympics

1. Bedroom Bowling
A mini-bowling alley with soft pins and a lightweight ball, in your bedroom.
2. Pillow Polo
A modified version of polo using pillows as "balls" and broomsticks as "mallets" to navigate them around your room.
3. Bed Bouncing Basketball
We will need a mini basketball hoop on the back of a door so we can practice shooting skills by bouncing the ball off the bed.
4. Yoga Mat Obstacle Course
Lay out a yoga mat and create an obstacle course using pillows, cushions, and other soft items to jump over, crawl under, and navigate around.
5. Balloon Volleyball
Clear some space and use a balloon as the "ball" to play a low-impact and safe game of volleyball indoors.
6. Sock Skating
Put on a pair of clean, smooth socks and use the smooth bedroom floor as your ice rink, sliding and gliding like a figure skater.
7. Paper Airplane Target Practice
8. Tabletop Tennis
9. Sock Basketball Dribble
10. Mini Indoor Golf
Design a mini golf course with creative obstacles using objects like books, cups, and toys.
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