It's me and my brother in white longsleeves. Captured in history.
1. Mark has so much energy
2. Mark has a crazy supportive wife. She’s awesome.
3. Tom is still a crazy dude
5. I air-drummed along to all the songs
6. I feel old :) and young again. Simultaneously.
7. I didn’t catch a drumstick but I had the best view in the world
8. That happy girl in front of me.
I thing her boyfriend got her the tickets. She was jumping and screaming, sometimes really out of sync with the song. Along to this, I've never seen such a bored dude. He was scrolling the phone all the concert. He really cares about her9. I think one guy twisted his ankle while trying to fight for a guitar pick
10. The people were leaving the concert via crowd surfing out of the fan zone
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