1. Who's Really in Control?
Monsters, huh? Big, bad, powerful — creations of the mind. But monsters only exist because we give them strength. A monster is nothing more than a frightening idea, a deviation from what we think is normal. Made up, dressed up, puffed up — fictional. All bark, no bite. Yet we run from them, don’t we?
But let’s bring it closer to home. We call people monsters, label their behavior as cruel, evil, even "inhuman." The behavior is monstrous, but that’s just content. And if they’re monsters, so are we. Don’t like that? Feeling the urge to defend yourself? Let’s be honest — there’s no defense because we’re all monsters. We’ve got those same monstrous thoughts lurking beneath the surface. I’m a monster. You’re a monster. We all play that role from time to time.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And here’s something else to put in your pipe: if she's a monster, what does that make you? A monsterette? Does calling someone a monster give you power, or does it reveal the truth of your own mind?
To see a monster, you must be one. It’s the mind reflecting back to itself. The only real monster is the one we’ve made up and fed with our thoughts. At least, let's admit that we all have monstrous thoughts. Can we?
In the end, it’s all Mind — right? But here’s where it gets fun. If you only knew what I’d do to you, you’d see the truth. You think I'd destroy you? Nah. I’d love you. That’s the only game in town: just love, just me and you, playing in the same sandbox.
Are you ready to face the monsters, or will you keep pretending they’re someone else’s problem? Spoiler: they’re not real — unless you make them real.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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