1. From fear to freedom.
You feel like life’s about to obliterate you, but you’re actually saved. Maybe you're sweating bullets over a new project you thought was a sure-fire path to ruin. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there — terrified of things like death, disease, or losing everything we hold dear. The trick is, when we’re in the throes of fear, we’re locked into body-mode instead of mind-mode.
Think about it. Fear of death? It’s just a shadow of us identifying with our bodies. Job loss, illness, or any other nightmare scenario — it all boils down to the same thing: the ego’s game of keeping us mindless. This world, our bodies, our egos — they’re all part of the ego’s grand scheme to keep us from recognizing our true mind and power.
So, here’s the red flag: if you’re feeling wrecked or terrified, it’s not the world that’s the problem. It’s your own mind playing tricks on you. The ego loves to make us believe we’re separate, sinful, and deserving of punishment. Fear? It’s the result of this separation mindset. Jesus tells us: don’t just ask for help with the fear itself. Ask for help to undo the separation that caused the fear in the first place.
Fear is the root of every single dream we have — cosmic or personal. It’s the fear of divine punishment that drove us away from our true mind into this world of illusions. So when you’re feeling overwhelmed, use it as a cue to hit the reset button. Say, "I think I am destroyed but I am saved." That’s your signal to switch teachers—ditch the ego and embrace the Holy Spirit or Jesus. They’ll show you that what you’re seeing outside is just a reflection of your inner state.
Remember, the world and your body are props in the ego’s drama. But when you change your mind and turn to forgiveness, what seemed like destruction turns into salvation. What the ego uses to attack, the Holy Spirit uses to heal. So embrace the truth: what feels like it’s breaking you is actually the key to your salvation.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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