1. The Ego's "You."
The ego is driven by fear and separation and creates an illusion of a separate self. It's the "you" that seeks happiness and security outside itself. This "you" is the center of your world, judging, comparing, and clinging to external things.
2. Ditching the "you" isn't about self-neglect or annihilation.
It's recognizing the limited perception of the egoic self and aligning with God/Love. Ditching the "you", you think that you are, weakens the hold of the ego's thought system. When you recognize the limitations of the egoic self you let go of the need for external sources of happiness and security.
3. By letting go of the egoic "you" and its need for idols, you open yourself to experiencing your true reality as one with God/Love.
This is the shift in perception that brings you genuine peace, joy, and security that no external source can offer.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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