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Ego Beliefs (True or Untrue)


    1. The ego believes that the material world is the be-all and end-all of life.

    2. The ego believes in physical death.

    Most people fear death.
    This is why people try so hard to make a name for themselves in the world. To become famous. To be known.
    This is why people have children so they can carry on their legacy long after they're dead and gone.
    This is why people insure their bodies and possessions.
    This is why people buy fancy cars and big houses.

    3. The ego believes in a body.

    This is where the term generational wealth was born.
    This is why people try so hard to make a name for themselves in the world. To become famous. To be known.
    This is why people have children so they can carry on their legacy long after they're gone.
    This is why people insure their body and possessions.
    This is why people buy fancy cars and big houses.

    4. The ego believes in separation.

    The ego doesn't believe that everything is connected.
    The ego is heavily invested in attacking others and defending its position.
    The ego believes if I go to war with you it won't affect me.
    The ego believes it can have its own opinion and beliefs but will kill you if you think differently.
    The ego is calling the shots in most people's lives and they don't even realize it.

    5. The ego's entire existence is a perpetual state of fear.

    With the ego, it's always one damn thing after another to be fearful about.
    95% of people live in fear which is the predominant emotion of the ego.

    6. The ego is never satisfied and each day it has a brand new list of wants and desires.

    The ego is not concerned at all with the present moment.
    The present moment is a threat to the ego.
    The ego plants its flags in an already-gone past or an imagined future.

    7. The Self that is you is been hijacked by the ego.

    Its predominant emotion of the Self is Love.
    The closer you get to know the Self the more ratchet the ego becomes.
    The ego is afraid of joy, love, passion, enthusiasm, contentment, freedom, happiness, optimism, joy, and positivity.
    The ego is afraid of The Flow.
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