1. - just dressed up in a different costume.
You’re not lazy, you’re afraid. Afraid of failure, afraid of success, or worse, afraid of change. You stall because the unknown is scarier than staying stuck.
Perfection isn’t the goal — it’s the excuse. It’s fear wrapped up in a shiny bow, making sure you never feel “good enough” to start or finish anything.
Overthinking is fear’s playground. It’s the endless loop of “what ifs” that keeps you in paralysis, preventing you from making decisions or moving forward.
You’re not kind, you’re scared. Scared of rejection, scared of being disliked, so you bend over backward to keep everyone else happy, except yourself.
Control Issues
Micromanaging isn’t about getting things right — it’s about fear. The fear that if you don’t pull the strings, everything (including you) will fall apart.
Jealousy is fear’s green mask. It’s not about what others have; it’s about your fear that you’re not enough without it, and you’ll never get it.
Imposter Syndrome
Fear is the voice that whispers, “You don’t deserve to be here.” Imposter syndrome is just fear dressed up as doubt, making you question your worth and abilities.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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