1. Seeking the "lost" are those who have strayed from their true path and who have become entangled in a web of illusions.
Jesus' mission was not to seek out the lost in a physical sense but to seek out those who were lost in their own minds.
Who among you is willing to let go of their ego-driven desires and attachments?
Who among you is willing to forgive yourself?
Who among you is willing to forgive what you might call others?
Saving the lost is not about rescuing bodies from physical danger, it is about liberating us from the bondage of our own minds.
The Son of Man is the Christ, the perfect creation of God that is the true Self. It is the part of our mind that remembers our oneness with the Divine. The Christ-mind (Son of Man) within each of us is constantly calling us to remember and release the false beliefs that keep us trapped in the illusion of separation (the lost).
We are all lost in our own ways, trapped in a world of illusions and separation. Jesus' mission was to show us the way out of this world and to guide us back to a home we never left.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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