Genetic Engineering The World's Problems Away
I'm going to go all Dr. Moreau and defy the lives of nature with this idea list.
1. Make a Predator for Wasps
And, no, not an even bigger wasp or other bug. Preferably a bird with a nice song.
2. Ameoba that break down plastics in the water to biodegradable forms
3. Custom viruses to eliminate invasive species
The viruses would have to be keyed somehow to the environment that the invasive species is not native to, so that the species wouldn't become extinct globally.
4. Urban Bioluminescent Algae and Moss
It grows on buildings and replaces electrical street lightning while providing valuable carbon dioxide reduction.
5. A Cat/Dog Hybrid
Low maintenance and independent, yet not too aloof and sociable.
6. Pigeons with droppings that are water soluble
A Rainfall is enough to keep the city clean.
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