1. “Have faith, and jump.”
Is God saying that I have faith now or that I must jump first and faith will appear?
Why does God request that I jump?
Why didn't he just tell me to remain on the cliff?
Is "cliff" all-encompassing, meaning all cliffs?
2. Do I more faith remaining on the cliff or in God?
3. Why would God create a cliff?
4. Why do I ask God if I don’t listen and apply his guidance?
5. Is the cliff unreal, only a projection of mind?
6. Why must I create such cliffs?
8. Did I invite God or did he invite me to the edge of the cliff?
9. Do I expect God to push me off a nonexistent cliff?
10. Would this make the cliff real?
11. What if there’s no cliff?
12. What if there was no God?
14. Is God supposed to catch me?
15. Then what me and God gonna do?
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