1. The physical world, "heaven and earth" in this quote, is a temporary illusion created by the ego's belief in separation from God.
The world we perceive through our senses is not reality but rather a projection of our own thoughts and beliefs.
Jesus' statement that "heaven and earth will pass away" is a reminder that the physical world, and all the forms and structures within it, are impermanent and subject to change. The things we perceive as solid and real are actually fleeting and temporary, and our attachment to them is a source of all suffering.
In contrast to the transient nature of the physical world, Jesus asserts that his words will never pass away. Jesus' words are a reflection of the eternal and unchanging truth of God's love. They represent the voice of the Holy Spirit, which is always present in our minds, guiding us towards the recognition of our true self.
By aligning ourselves with the eternal truth of God's love, as expressed through Jesus' words, we experience healing and transformation. By choosing to listen to the voice of truth within us, rather than the ego's voice of separation and ill, we awaken to the reality of our oneness with God and each other.
Jesus' statement is a call to focus our attention on the eternal and unchanging truth, rather than the temporary and illusory forms of the world. Jesus encourages us to train our minds to prioritize the truth of God's love over the distractions and demands of the ego.
In summary, Jesus' declaration that his words will never pass away, even as heaven and earth do, is a powerful reminder of the eternal and unchanging nature of divine truth. It encourages us to look beyond the temporary illusions of the physical world and to align ourselves with the voice of truth within us.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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