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How to accept your emotions instead of trying too hard to replace them with positivity

    1. See negative emotions ,neutral emotions and positive emotions as gear changes. Some times from negative the aim is to make it neutral.

    Neutral emotions are acceptance of a situation you find balance you are no longer negatively reactive.

    2. Write a journal like morning pages just wrote down and don't reflect cover the negative and positive

    Leave what you think on the page don't examine it leave that for another excercise

    3. Define what my values are work out what's important to me , use values questionnaires

    Instead look at what's truly important to me.

    4. Use defusion just recognise that my negative thoughts are not necessarily me

    Recognise that I don't have to fuse with my thoughts notice and let go

    5. Instead use mediative techniques like breathing techniques focus on the present

    This is about being present not positive

    6. Ask questions of negative thoughts such as does this thought serve me? Is this thought true? why do I frame this as negative

    Question the negative thought expose it to the light of questioning take away it's power

    7. Lean into the negative thought. If it's bring pain what can I learn from

    Don't aviod the negative go deeper and see what I can learn

    8. Use pivots on negative thoughts instead be curious and playful this isn't podlsitive

    Be explorer look for challenges go outside my comfort zone

    9. Find a self help group and this community is about working together and you expose your emotions to social interactions

    Be with people who will challenge you but won't judge you tough love

    10. Go and seek different environments , because environments influence emotions.

    We know this by the influence nature can have changing foul moods

    11. Instead of trying to fight negative thoughts with positive thoughts instead go and move excercise

    Excercise isn't necessarily a distraction it's a different path. Excercise take us to a different mental

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