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"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive." (2 min 16 sec)


    1. Calm before the swarm.

    "To hold a grievance is to be in conflict with yourself."
    Grievances are a hornet's nest, their sting disrupts inner peace.
    "Fear is a sign that you are trusting in your own strength rather than God's."
    Fear is a ravenous beast that devours the heart's potential for love, much like a swarm obliterates a hive's sweet promise.
    "Attack is the delusional wish to be free of what you have made and are afraid to find you have made."
    Violence, whether inward or outward, is a reckless vandal, destroying sweetness and harmony.
    "Guilt is a weapon you use against yourself, not a truth about you."
    Guilt is a tempest that rages within, scattering the shards of self-worth like bees disturbed from their golden sanctuary.
    "Sin is the belief that you are separate from God and from all that is."
    Sin is the beekeeper's blunder, shattering the hive of harmony.
    "The Holy Spirit sees no sin because He sees the truth about you."
    The Holy Spirit is the master beekeeper, guiding you to harvest the sweet nectar of peace without stirring the hornet's nest of self-destruction.
    "When you are tempted to judge, remember this: You are not separate from anyone."
    Judgment is the bear that invades the beehive, scattering the precious honey of peace.
    "Every attack is a call for love."
    Recognizing the wounded bee within the aggressor transforms conflict into an opportunity for healing, much like a skilled beekeeper tending to a disturbed hive.
    "Your only purpose in this world is to be a witness to the truth of your own holiness."
    Obsessing over purpose while drowning in love is the only way to disarm the hornets of conflict.
    "Want honey? Don't piss off the bees."
    "Sweetness requires subtlety, not savagery."
    "Disturb the hive, and you'll reap the sting."
    "Sweet rewards require gentle hands."
    "Anger is the beekeeper's worst enemy."
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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