Impossible tasks I can do next
I like to set myself task's that seem impossible. What could I accomplish next?
1. Make £1million
I'm barely making £1,000 each month so this is a real challenge, but If I can get enough customers for my clothing/books it's possible.
With each new customer I get closer to this goal.
2. 1,000 true fans
Gain a collection of people that will love and buy whatever I put out and do the marketing for me as they're as passionate about the products as I am.
This seems like something I could easily do. I'm myself in everything I do proudly excluding those that don't get it from the start. Anyone who stays knows there's something special and want's to stay for the ride.
3. Get interviewed on a podcast
If I could become one of these expert's the likes of James interviews that would be amazing.
To be at the top of my field and be an inspiration to others is a goal we should all strive for.
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