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JUDGEMENT - branched off of --- "The Book" - I want to write this WITH YOU AND NOTEPD AS CO-AUTHORS

I want to write "The Book", which takes the main ideas from the Bible, or any other religious text, and shows how the same concept is woven through every other major religion and philosophy.

This is a continuation of the book that I want to write with the NotePD community. Check out the list this is branched from. Everyone who contributes can either contribute ni the comments, become a contributor to THIS list, or make their own list and tag me so I see it.

Today's is about Judgment.

    1. JUDGMENT - The reason to explore this particular concept is obvious

    - in a world of anonymous tweeting, everyone is hung. So much hate out there. I know all the advice is to ignore it, but I also know that is difficult. So it comforts me to explore from different religious and philosophical points, how to deal with the judgment of others (and even the way we judge others.)


    Jesus says about the crowd who wants to stone the adulterer, "let he who is blameless cast the first stone".

    The older people leave first, then the younger people. Jesus isn't paying attention. Oddly, he's just doodling in the sand. No miracles.

    Finally, he asks the woman, "Has no one condemned you?" Almost as if he were daydreaming the entire time and didn't notice what was happening. It's probably weirdest story in the New Testament.

    She says, "No, sir." And he says, "I don't condemn you either".

    He DOESN'T say "I forgive you." Forgiveness is not something you can give to others. It's not like ice cream. Forgiveness is the gift I give myself.


    I read this in an article on Buddhism by Nick Gier:

    "The Buddha was especially critical of a certain monk Migsala who claimed to know the future punishments of his favorite sinners. The Buddha rebuked Migsala saying “How do you know the complexity of human character?” He went on to say that “whoever judges others digs a pit for themselves.” Those who obsess about the sins of others are usually those most in need of repentance."

    4. ISLAM

    “O you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins.” [Surah Hujurat:12]


    " fortunate is that person who is so busy with his own faults, that he has no time to think about the faults of others."


    “Begin the morning by saying to yourself, I shall meet with the busybody, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil. … I can neither be injured by any of them, for no one can fix on me what is ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him. For we are made for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away.” - Marcus Aurelius


    " Zigong was given to grading people. The Master said, "How superior Zigong is! For my part I have no time for such things." "

    In other words, Confucius focuses on his own self-betterment before worrying about "grading" or judging other's imperfections.

    7. TAOISM

    A parable:

    Two monks are traveling back to the monastery. The previous day had strong rains, and so they come upon a raging river.

    A woman is standing at the edge, preparing to cross. The wise monk sees that she is nervous about doing it, so he offers to carry her across.

    The other monk gasps in shock because they have both taken vows to never touch a woman. He can’t believe his friend, who is usually so wise, has broken his vows with such ease.

    The woman nods and wise monk carries her across. She thanks him and goes on her way. The other monk trudges across, not sure if he should confront the wise monk over this.

    They continue home in silence. The wise monk notices several rare birds and tries to point them out to his friend. The other monk’s head remains down. He is turning the arguments over and over in his head.

    He’s fuming that the wise monk would disrespect their monastery in that way. Vows are sacred and must be kept at all costs. They arrive at the monastery and the other monk finally summons the courage to confront the wise monk.

    “Why did you break your vows and carry that woman across the river? She would have made it across fine without your help.”

    The wise monk says, “I only carried her across the river. You’ve been carrying her the entire way back.”

    8. SUFISM

    A Sufi story:

    There was a blind Sufi mystic. He used to sell small things in the village, and the people of that village became aware that he had no judgment. So they would take the things and give him false coins. He would accept them, because he would never say, ”This is wrong and this is right.” Sometimes they would take things from him and they would say, ”We have paid,” and he would not say, ”You have not paid.” He would say, ”Okay.” He would thank them.
    Then from other villages also people started coming. This man was very good; you could take anything from his shop, you need not pay, or you could pay in false coins, and he accepted everything!
    Then death came near to this old man. These were his last words: he looked at the sky and said, ”Allah, God, I have been accepting all kinds of coins, false ones also. I am also a false coin – don’t judge me. I have not judged your people, please don’t judge me.” And it is said that how can God judge such a person?

    When he went to heaven ..God said to him " How can I judge the one, who has never judges others"
    Jesus says, ”Judge ye not, so ye may not be judged.”
    If judgment disappears, you have become innocent. If you don’t divide things into good and bad, ugly and beautiful, acceptable and nonacceptable; if you don’t divide things, if you look at reality without any division, your eyes will come into existence for the first time. When you refuse to label Life..people or lie situations.All the prisons of your mind and society disappear and You are free.Free as a child and as a mystic.

    If you divide you will remain blind, if you judge you will remain blind, if you say this is bad and this is good, you will persist in your blindness... because existence knows nothing. There is nothing good and nothing bad – existence accepts everything. And when you also accept everything you have become existence-like.

    You have become one with it. So remember, morality is not religion. Rather, on the contrary, morality is one of the hindrances in gaining religion, just like immorality. Morality, immorality – both are hindrances. When you transcend both you have transcended the mind, the dual, the dualistic attitude.

    Sufi's donot judge ..Sufi mystics welcomes the saint the sinner the prostitute alike.The welcomes all of GOD's creatures.It was this non judgemental attitude compared to the hated mullah and pandit ..which led to widespread acceptance of Sufism in near east and Asia.


    When asked about judging others he said, "There are no others."
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