Latest Jokes
I can't remember the last time I did a joke list. Sorry for any repeats. Don't think these are my best, but I've been sick so happy enough with them.
1. Happy Mother's Day
2. Cross the road
3. Craving
4. Front Facing (Part 1)
I was thinking I could do a routine around my time working in a supermarket.
5. Front Facing (Part 2)
6. Work Advice
7. Computer's are r******d
An old one but it could fit in with the supermarket routine.
8. Barry the bunny
Another old one. Based on a true story.
9. The boss
Another old supermarket one.
10. I've been cancelled
The final chapter of my supermarket routine
11. Solution to the plastic crisis
In the UK we need to pay for plastic bags.
12. Scottish Themed Restaurant
I made this one today. I'm pretty happy with it. Hope you enjoy.
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