Lessons that come to mind
I've not shared lessons in a while.
1. Disagree with your group
In-group bias can make us do stupid things. Remember how the two groups acted during COVID?we do that all the time based on the group's we feel we're part of. In order to minimise the effect look for area's in which you disagree with your group.2. Work less
Life's short.why waste it away working for someone else? Spend your free time working on yourself/your own projects and making memories with loved ones.3. Notice
How do you currently feel? What lead to that? If it's a good feeling how can you feel this again? If it's bad how do you prevent feeling like this in the future?
I pause and ask myself theses questions throughout the day and as a result I've pathed the way towards a happier life. Take time to notice the moment.
4. Stand out
Whilst watching a TV show or film pause and pick out the main character.its easy even if You've never watched the show.brighter clothes.unique hair cut.the only one moving or only one static.learn theses tricks and use them yourself in order to stand out.
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