Love's Transforming Magic (1 min 34 sec)
1. Love gives naught but itself and takes naught from itself.
Love is selfless and does not seek anything in return.
Love freely gives without expecting anything in return and does not diminish itself by giving.
Love is the pure and unconditional nature of love, thriving without conditions or expectations.
2. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed.
Love does not seek to possess or control, nor does it desire to be possessed or controlled by another.
Love is free and expansive, allowing everyone to experience it without limitations or constraints.
Love is boundless and the ultimate liberating force.
3. For love is sufficient unto love.
Love is self-sustaining and self-sufficient.
Love does not require external conditions to exist.
Love is its own source of fulfillment, completeness, and abundance.
Love is capable of providing all that it needs within itself, without seeking validation, approval, or fulfillment from external sources.
Love is self-nourishing energy that is inherently fulfilling.
4. This is not a lesson, just a reminder.
The writer understands the message being conveyed is not new information but rather a reminder of something you already know and understand.
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