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Midnight thoughts

Late at writing my list again.

    1. Life's good

    It's not perfect, but I'm happy.  I'm working at working and living in Japan by the end of the year.  That's always been a dream of mine.  I'll need to remember to see it in odds rather than an absolute.  Going down this path makes it far more likely to come true, but even increadable odd happen every day.  There's still a chance it goes nowhere, keeping that in mind should lesson the plan should it all fall through.  

    I'm loving photography.  I love learning and this has given me something new to dive into.

    Life is peaceful.  Even the car crash wasn't as stressful than I would have thought. There's very little, if anything worth stressing about.

    2. Welcome to the NHK

    My favourite anime.  About depressed broken people helping eachother out and growing.  I've not seen any story tackle mental problems as well as it's done here..

    I recently read the manga and it was so nice to see a little bit more of the characters.  Can't recommend the anime/manga enough.  It's real life no magic or sci-fi involved.

    3. The Rocco Effect comics

    I want to make more based around thinking better.  X is full of insanity based on poor critical thinking skills.  I'd like to help tackle that by providing a few lessons on how to think.

    I'd also like to teach about different psychological Biases through my comics.  Once I've written the draft of my book I'll work on the comics and add them into the book.

    I also want to publish more set's as books on Amazon.  I've published books the last few year's I can't end that streak now.


    4. Do this more often

    I really like writing lists at this time.  It allows me to clear my head before sleeping.  I might make this a regular occurrence.
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