1. Projection is the fear of getting rid of something we do not want.
We attempt to rid ourselves of fear by projecting it onto others, forgetting the source of our projection, and instead blaming them.
2. The Shadow Self.
The "something we do not want" is what Jungian psychology calls the shadow self, the aspects of ourselves we deem unacceptable or deny. Through projection, we unconsciously place these unwanted traits onto others.
3. Projection is not limited to so-called "negative" qualities.
We also project positive attributes. We create idealized images of others that may not be entirely true.
4. Consequences of Projection.
When we project, we perceive others through a distorted lens that fuels misunderstanding and conflict.
5. Self-Blame vs. Blaming Others.
Initially, we subconsciously blame ourselves for our projected qualities which leads to feelings of guilt and shame. Later, the blame gets shifted to the projected-upon person.
6. Projection operates on a subconscious level, beyond conscious control or awareness.
The goal is not to judge ourselves for projecting, but to cultivate awareness and choose forgiveness to break the cycle of projection and reconnect with love.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I’m sorry.
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