1. When Rituals Become Shackles.
We’ve all seen it: the obsession with getting every step right, the belief that if we just perform the ritual perfectly, something will change. But rituals are like rearranging chairs on a sinking ship. Sure, the chairs look tidy, but the ship’s still going down.
When ritual becomes our focus, we’re stuck in the illusion. The world is a dream, a projection of our mind’s false beliefs. And rituals? They’re just another way to dress up the dream. Like making sure you wear the right clothes in a dream — it doesn’t change the fact that you’re still asleep.
The pitfall is subtle but massive. Rituals make the illusion feel more real. They give us the false sense that we’re doing something important, keeping us busy while distracting us from the truth: there’s nothing to fix, only something to wake up from. When you get caught in the ritualistic mindset, you’re not healing — you’re just trying to control the uncontrollable.
Isn't it funny? The more precise and perfect the ritual, the deeper we dig ourselves into the very illusion we’re trying to escape.
Next time you feel compelled to perform that ritual, ask yourself: Am I healing, or just making the dream look prettier? Because if it's still just a dream, why waste time rearranging anything at all?
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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