1. It's new so I can get my real name as my username
I got my name as username on Twitter, but I missed the boat on Instagram2. No longer writing 10 ideas in a vaccuum
3. There's a consecutive days list, so I can get an adrenaline boost for every day I continue
4. Jame Altucher liked some of my lists!
5. Did I mention James liked my list!?
6. My Dad won't understand this either
8. Now I don't have to make a site like it
I always wanted to but I never got around to it and now I don't have to. If someone would create a todo site that exported to text in the todo.sh format, I won't have to make that site either.9. So many likes! Maybe this corner of the web is my people.
10. Like on David Letterman, the last item on the list is the lamest one
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