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Reputation. (1 min 35 sec)


    1. The ego's shiny illusion.

    Reputation. It's the mask others see, built by your actions, words, and the image you’ve shaped to fit society’s mold. But it’s not even real. It’s fragile, controlled by how others think you are. One slip-up, and you’re done. Ego loves this game because it thrives on validation from the outside, using reputation as a measuring stick for your worth. But have you ever stopped to ask — who are you without the need for validation?
    Reputation is just one of the ego’s tricks — a shiny illusion that distracts you from your true nature. It’s all about chasing after approval, but here’s the truth: Spirit doesn’t need a reputation. Why? Because Spirit doesn’t need anything. Heaven is beyond all perception. It’s where you rest in God, where your value is already whole, untouchable, and unchangeable.
    So, how important is reputation? It depends on which lens you’re looking through. Through the ego’s eyes, it’s everything — it defines your worth, influences your chances, and dictates how the world treats you. But in the grand scheme of things, in the eternal, reputation is just smoke and mirrors. It’s a trap that pulls you away from your authentic self.
    Let’s unpack some famous quotes:
    "It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." — Benjamin Franklin Translation? Ego builds you up, only to tear you down. The game is rigged.
    "Your reputation is what others think of you; your character is what you really are." — John Wooden. This one’s closer to the truth. Your character—what’s inside — is what matters. The rest? Theater.
    "A good reputation is more valuable than money." — Publilius Syrus. Sure, but what are you selling? Your soul, your truth, or just what others want to see?
    The deeper question here is: Does your reputation reflect you, or just what the world expects you to be? And if it’s the latter, how long will you keep playing along before you break free.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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