NotePD Loader
Ideas Post

Rocco's Bar

If I owned a bar what would it be like?

    1. Coffee/pun

    I'd sell coffee during the day.  Coffee shop during the day and bar at night.

    This will give people something to do during the day, without looking like an alcoholic.

    People at bars during the day always look lonely and pathetic.  Hopefully this helps them socialise and even wean them off the drink.

    Start serving alcohol after a certain time. 

    2. Podcasts

    Podcasts will play during the day. 

    Music is nice, but I'd much rather be learning something.

    Maybe that's just me though.  But it's worth testing out anyway.

    3. Simpson's night

    During quiet nights stick on the Simpsons, cinema style for everyone to watch.

    It doesn't need to be Simpson.  Any nostalgic show works.

    I miss gathering round the tv and watching with others.  Everything is very individual viewings now that you can discuss later, so long as you've both watched up to the same point.  

    Bring back communal viewing.

    4. Lessons

    Encourage people to come and teach others.

    This brings in people that wouldn't nesseceraly come just to drink.

    Let's say you could learn how to play an instrument during the day and then at the end of the month play Infront of everyone.

    Or you could learn some software skills on your laptop.

    Or just drink coffee and learn from the podcasts.

    5. Card games

    Are you noticing a theme yet?  Build the community.

    Have ton's of card games sitting about for people to play.

    Laminate the cards so even when the drunks play you're safe.

    6. Idea of the week

    Have customers leave Ideas to help improve the bar.  Anything that's implemented gets you a free drink.

    This makes people have a stronger bond with the bar and help's improve the bar.  Win win.

    7. Photo spot

    A spot where people can take Instagram photos.

    This serves as free advertising as well as cheers the customer's up.

    This could be changed every month or so.

    8. Find the wee man

    Staff hide a toy at the start of the day and take a photo.  Customer's come and try to find it.  Once found the winner gets a drink.

    Adds some fun and gives people a reason to visit.

    9. Stand up

    I don't see any bars other than comedy clubs that do this.

    As well as bands allow other acts to show off their skills.

    Stand up will bring in a new crowd of people.

    10. Retro console's

    And have tournaments.

    Tony hawk tournament.  Dragonball budiki 3.

    Super smash bros. Goldeneye.

    It'll bring in a new crowd and everyone always has fun playing and watching multiplayer games.

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