Short Story Brainstorming
Trying to get the creative juices flowing for my next F&SF short story project. Here is a partial list of different things spinning through my synaptic cortex.
All are encouraged to comment, make suggestions, critiques, or collaborations.
1. Pulp style stories
2. Louis L"Amour non-western stories.
3. Cyberpunk-ish.
4. D&D-ish.
5. What is a good length?
I know the length depends on the story but some starting dimensions might help the plotting. 5k words? 10k?
6. Roma (Gypsies)
Or other culturally nomadic groups
7. Racing
8. Would like the main character to have some sort of trademark tool, clothing, etc.
Like MacGyver's Swiss Army Knife, or Indy's fedora.
9. How many characters?
10. U.S. Space Force goes tactical
USSF Guardian commandoes launch an in-person raid on an opponent's satellites,
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