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Ideas Post

Smarter Phones

Everyone has a phone these days, and the number of gadgets they're replacing are ever increasing. What are some things that phones still generally can't do that I would like them to do?

I know some of these things would have huge security issues, but let's assume those can be worked out.

Smarter Phones

    1. Easily convert into a VR headset

    Remember Transformers toys in the 1980s? What if your phone could be easily and quickly manipulated to transform it into a virtual reality headset? If someone can make phones like this, it would be a huge leap for metaverse adoption.

    2. Use my phone as my desktop computer

    Imagine if phones were as powerful as a desktop computer or laptop. You could just wirelessly connect a keyboard, mouse, and display to it and run a full desktop operating system on it. Or, maybe your laptop is just a shell that has the keyboard, touchpad, and display screen, and you would dock your phone into it to provide the software and processing power.

    3. Project a 3D video like in Star Wars

    I'm not a fan of Star Wars (gasp!), but I remember a scene at the beginning where R2D2 projects a 3D video message from Obi-wan Kenobi. Whatever company can make an affordable phone that does this will be a 10 trillion dollar company.

    4. Take accurate body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and blood glucose readings

    We have separate gadgets to measure all these things. Can't the phone just do it all?

    5. Lock/unlock my home and car doors

    No keys? No problem.

    6. Act as my TV remote

    I know Roku lets you use the phone, but I find it very clunky to use.

    7. Project images and video onto a wall or connect to a computer monitor

    Phones don't do projection right now, but they do connect to computer monitors and TVs. It's not intuitive or easy.

    8. Open and close my garage door

    Why do I need to keep a separate garage door opener?

    9. Allow me to scribble notes on it just like with paper and pen

    Most touchscreen phones are capable of this already, but most phones don't come with a stylus and good pen software, so it's not easy enough.

    10. Print labels

    I have a label maker that's fun to use. Maybe phones can do this. (okay, this is kind of a garbage feature that would be impractical... but maybe you can get a Nobel Prize or something if you can get it to work out)

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