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Ten Ways NotePD Helped Me Succeed / Improved My Life

Been here a few years, and I keep coming back because this site has been pretty much a blessing for me. I'm further along in life than others here, so I measure success more by improving my current life than professional successes. Being here has helped me succeed by improving my life by...

    1. Streaks - Simple Challenge / Accomplishment

    I tend to get into ruts with my life. Having to factor in doing something like making idea lists daily which uses a different part of the grey matter has been a challenge - large at first, routine now but a challenge that gives me some pleasure daily.

    2. Expanding My Mind

    Between the insights into how others live and think, trying to make lists that are helpful, amusing, and / or interesting, I get food for thought to examine my beliefs and thoughts about life. Also, using the AI features (of blessed memory) motivated me to learn more about AI and start using it in my daily life.

    3. Non-Judgemental Points Of View

    Folks can put out their POV, their thoughts (and maybe dreams) without fear of being criticized, and often supported and offered ideas to help them move forward. Took me a bit of time to get comfortable with it, but we're good now.

    4. Getting "Out There"

    Not necessarily a shy person, but certainly reserved in public forums. My first X lists were private, and seeing what others were doing motivated me to test the waters of public lists.

    5. Expanding My Horizons

    Folks here are from around the world, a variety of interests, work, activities. All interesting in their own way, and having a common purpose in this environment.

    6. Pushing Myself

    I was motivated to compile and almost complete my book (yeah, gotta push to complete it after the holidays), and set up a few side gig websites (yeah, gotta roll them out, but one is in my profile).

    Reading what others have done here pushed me to do these, and even if they don't turn out to be much of anything, being here moved me forward.

    7. Brushes With Famous Folks

    Having read some of @JamesAltucher 's books, thought it was cool to have him here when he was, and interacting with him a bit. Plus, I think we have a hometown connection...

    8. Brushes With Prolific Folks

    Some of us are quite prolific in their postings... and when I can, I read them. Gets me wondering what they do "IRL" because it is clear they put a great deal of time and thought into what they do here. And how I can get to be so prolific.

    9. Getting Positive Feedback

    Very much like getting the congrats e-mails for lists that get over 10K views. Reminds me of what I've done, and implies there are at least 5K to 7.5K or more folks active here...

    10. Morning Coffee Friend

    Don't tell the boss, but I do my weekday lists after doing my 'start of the day' work tasks and between mugs of coffee. I have done work related (private) lists which have helped me to focus on issues / process improvement / etc., but more often than not, to swing me away from negative work thoughts to positive list thoughts. This helps reframe my work day and keep my sanity (the few bits remaining). Weekends... first thing after waking up is coffee, then list.

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