The Algorithm of the Mind. (4 min 1 sec)
1. Your World as a Feedback Loop.
Let me ask you something: if I looked at your social media feed—the one curated for you by the algorithm on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or LinkedIn — what would I see?
• Would I see videos of dance challenges, financial tips, or conspiracy theories?
• Would I see inspirational content, cooking recipes, or outrage-inducing headlines?
Your feed reflects you. It’s a mirror of your interests, your focus, your habits, and ultimately, your mind.
Your Social Media Feed as a Metaphor
Now, let’s take this metaphor deeper. Imagine your mind is the ultimate algorithm. Your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions curate the “feed” of your reality.
• What’s in your mental feed? Are there thoughts of love, compassion, and connection? Or are there thoughts of fear, anger, and judgment?
• Which teacher are you listening to? Is it the Holy Spirit (love, truth, unity) or the ego (fear, separation, scarcity)?
Your mental feed reveals everything about your inner world. It’s the greatest feedback loop you’ll ever experience because the world around you—your relationships, your circumstances, your “slice” of reality — is a perfect reflection of the thoughts you’re focused on.
The Algorithm Doesn’t Lie
The algorithm of the mind is like the algorithm on social media: it doesn’t lie.
• If your mental feed is full of fear, worry, and separation, then your world will reflect that back to you.
• If your mental feed is full of love, forgiveness, and unity, then your world will reflect that back to you.
Your world isn’t random. It’s the result of what you consume, believe, and focus on. Every person, place, and thing in your life is part of a feedback loop showing you your own thoughts.
Living in the Feedback Loop
Everyone is living in their own perceptual bubble, their own little curated slice of the so-called world.
• If you’re wearing green-tinted glasses, everything will look green.
• If you’re living with fear in your mind, everything will seem threatening.
• If you’re living with love in your mind, everything will seem connected and harmonious.
It’s not the world that’s changing — it’s the lens through which you’re seeing it. Your perception creates your experience, and your experience reinforces your perception. That’s the loop.
Pricking the Bubble
If you want to wake up to the truth, you have to prick the bubble of your own perception. You have to step beyond the algorithm of your mind, beyond the colored glasses you’re wearing, and see the world as it truly is — not as your ego has curated it to be.
• Fear is not the truth — it’s a distortion. It’s the algorithm of the ego, constantly reinforcing separation and scarcity.
• Love is the truth — it’s the vision of the Holy Spirit, constantly pointing you toward unity and abundance.
The choice is always yours: which feed will you consume? Which teacher will you listen to?
The World as the Ultimate Feedback Loop
Here’s the most profound part of this metaphor: the world itself is your feedback loop.
• Every person you encounter, every situation you experience, every thought you have—it’s all reflecting your inner world back to you.
• The people who frustrate you? They’re showing you your own unresolved grievances.
• The situations that inspire you? They’re reflecting your own capacity for love and creativity.
The world isn’t happening to you — it’s happening for you, to show you what’s in your mind. If you don’t like what you see, you have to change what you’re feeding your mind.
How to Change Your Mental Feed
1. Become Aware:
• Take a step back and observe your thoughts. What’s dominating your mental feed? Fear, judgment, and lack? Or love, forgiveness, and abundance?
2. Choose a New Teacher:
• If you’re tired of fear, turn to love. If you’re tired of the ego, turn to the Holy Spirit. You always have a choice about what you focus on.
3. Curate Your Mind:
• Just like you can intentionally change your social media feed by engaging with new content, you can curate your mental feed by choosing thoughts that align with truth, love, and unity.
4. Prick the Bubble:
• Recognize that your perception isn’t the truth—it’s just a lens. When you step beyond perception, you’ll see the world for what it truly is: neutral, loving, and full of potential.
What’s in Your Feed?
The white elephant in the room is this: your world is showing you exactly what’s in your mind. Your personal reality is a perfect match to the feed of your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions.
• If you want to change your world, change your mental feed.
• If you want to experience love, fill your mind with loving thoughts.
• If you want to experience peace, focus on the things that bring peace.
The algorithm of your mind isn’t lying. It’s giving you exactly what you’re asking for. So the question is: What’s in your feed? Are you picking up what I’m throwing down? Don’t play with me. Let’s curate love, not fear. Let’s wake up.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you
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