The Courtroom of the Mind. (2 min 21 sec)
1. My mind is like a courtroom and in the center of this courtroom is the ego.
—it's like a smooth-talking, self-assured lawyer who's always presenting its case. It loves to strut around trying to convince me it's got everything figured out. It promises fame, fortune, and all the pleasures I could desire. It's always painting a picture of how things should be.
But I realized the ego's case is built on sand. It's a master at fabricating stories, twisting facts, and presenting half-truths. It loves pulling me into its drama trying to make me believe that I need to defend, attack, or accumulate to find happiness. It wants me to buy into the illusion that I'm separate from everyone else, that my worth is tied to external things.
But I flipped the script. I became the cross-examiner. When the ego took the stand, I started asking the tough questions. "Is this really true?" "Can I be certain this is the whole story?" "Does this thought bring me peace or conflict?" By challenging the ego's claims, I started to see its cracks. The polished façade crumbled under the weight of inquiry.
I finally realized the truth, I am not the ego. I am not the anxious lawyer trying to win every case. I am the impartial judge, the quiet witness, and the peaceful observer. When I questioned the ego's reliability, I began to see through its tricks. I realized that its testimony is full of holes and that it can't be trusted to lead me to true peace and happiness.
By impeaching the ego, I reclaimed my power. I stopped reacting to its bait and start responding from a place of clarity and love. I understand that real strength comes from my connection to God, not from the ego's fleeting victories. So, each time the ego steps up to make its case, I question it. I challenge its validity, and I watch as the illusion falls apart. The truth is I am a being of infinite love and light, beyond the courtroom drama.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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