1. Cracking the code of guilt, projection, and blame.
Picture this: you're sitting across from an old friend at Starbucks, sipping your favorite brew. You’ve decided to dig into a mind-bending topic— the Ego’s Formula. It’s like peeling back the layers of a complex puzzle that’s been driving you nuts.
Here's the deal: A Course in Miracles teaches that there's a built-in forgiveness formula. You see Christ’s face in others, you recognize the innocence in them (and in yourself), and bam, the ego dissolves. You start remembering God. Simple, right? But let’s dive deeper into the unspoken formula that’s always lurking in the background.
Whenever you’re ticked off, whether it’s over a trivial thing or a major drama, this template never fails. The ego works in predictable patterns, and once you get the hang of it, you can call out its tricks any time.
Jesus isn’t just talking about forgiveness in isolated incidents. He’s pushing us to generalize. Forgive one person, and then another, and soon you’ve forgiven thousands. The workbook says it best: every instance of forgiveness is the same because guilt is the same. In the end, it’s all about choosing between the ego and the Holy Spirit.
So, what’s really going on when you’re upset? You’re afraid of the love in your mind. Sounds wild, but stick with me. This fear of love is a defense mechanism. You turn away from it, which is essentially attacking yourself. It’s like the original moment when we thought God’s love wasn’t enough and created our own twisted version.
This fear and rejection of love lead to guilt. And guess what? The ego turns this guilt into a full-blown crisis. We feel overwhelmed, like God’s out to get us. So, to escape this guilt, we project it onto others. We pick fights, big or small. A tiny annoyance? It’s the same as rage. Why? Because it’s all about avoiding the real issue: we’ve pushed love away.
But it gets worse. Once we project guilt out, we forget we did it. All we remember are the wrongs done to us. We create lies and stories to back up our blame. We get caught in a web of our own making, convincing ourselves we’re justified in our anger and pain.
So, what’s the ego’s formula? Simple: Fear of love → Guilt → Projection → Blame. This is the cycle that keeps us trapped. Recognize it, and you’re already halfway to breaking free.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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