1. Repairing a house that doesn't exist.
"Fix, repair, and improve" — these are the ego’s favorite tools, always trying to patch up what’s inherently broken. The ego's nature is to convince you that something about you is missing, flawed, or in need of constant work. It thrives on the idea that you’re not enough, so it keeps you endlessly busy trying to "fix" yourself.
But the truth is, there's nothing to fix. The only real change is recognizing that the self the ego is trying to improve doesn’t even exist. It’s like redecorating a house that was never there.
And just one more thing… ever notice how the more you "fix" yourself, the more broken you feel? That’s the ego's game. It keeps you chasing perfection, but perfection was never the goal — wholeness was. And wholeness isn’t found in fixing; it’s found in letting go of the idea that you were ever broken.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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