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The Great Illusionist. (2 min 58 sec)


    1. How the Ego Pulled the Wool Over Our Eyes.

    The Illusion of Separation
    One Mind, One Love
    - There's only one mind, but we don't know this yet.
    - We don't understand what love truly means.
    - Love is the opposite of what we think it is.
    - Most wouldn't recognize love if it kissed them on the cheek.
    The Weight of Illusion
    - In our right mind, we feel a heavy weight lifted.
    - We breathe a huge sigh of relief.
    - It's strange that we don't believe this eternal Truth.
    - We feel defeated by the illusory world.
    The Ego's Thought System
    - Many are ready to "take themselves out" (suicide in ego's terms)
    - There's no death in anything God creates.

    - We have no power to ruin Creation.
    - We're slow to understand this.
    The Human Condition
    Our Limited Perspective
    - We're all "riding on the short yellow buses."
    - We can't imagine living without conflict.
    - We think, "Any place has got to be better than here."
    - We believe we've found nirvana or utopia until life happens.
    Life's Challenges
    - The Unexpected, Undesirable, Wicked, Unwanted happens.
    - It occurs every moment, every day, everywhere.
    - We wouldn't believe if told it's all in our minds.
    - Where there's more than one, there will always be conflict.
    Our Familiar Territory
    - Bargaining agreements.
    - Scripts, Control, Power, Sex, Money, Toys.
    - Pleasure, Pain, Suffering, Guilt, Fear, Blame, Attack, Separation.
    The Cycle of Conflict
    Constant Battles
    - Always someone or something to defend against.
    - Always another battle to fight.
    - Always another foe to defend against.
    - Always another brother or sister to kill.
    - Always another opponent to eliminate.
    Perpetual Problems
    - Always another ladder to climb.
    - Always another problem to solve.
    - More than 500 phobias exist. Ridiculousness is no stranger in the ego's thought system.
    - Always "glad it's them instead of us" mentality.
    Our Misguided Pursuits
    Seeking External Solutions
    - Believing worldly things are treasures.
    - Always looking for something to watch out for.
    - Always seeking another savior.
    - Looking for happiness outside ourselves.
    Living in the Wrong Time
    - Thinking the future is more precious than now.
    - Living in the past or future, not the present.
    - Playing the victim role.
    Misplaced Priorities
    - Wanting to be right instead of happy.
    - Believing we’re angels when we mostly think and act like devils.
    - Giving to get.
    - Always wanting more.
    The Great Deception
    - "He pulled the old okey-doke on us."
    - The ego tricked us into believing we're something we're not.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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