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The Greatest Lie Ever Told. (2 min 38 sec)


    1. God and Death Can't Shake Hands.

    The idea that the worst sin ever committed was the murder of the Son of God is a distortion. Sin, as we understand it, is an illusion — a belief in separation from God, who is Life itself. The Son of God is not a single person but the collective essence of all of us, beyond the body and form. The so-called "worst" thing, the death of the Son of God, is impossible because God is Life, and Life cannot die.
    Good and bad are concepts of the ego's thought system, but in God's Kingdom, only good exists because God is all there is. If God can turn what we perceive as the worst thing into the best thing, then every disappointment, sin, and mistake we experience can be turned into good as well. All things work together for good in God's reality.
    You’ve been fed a story, a distorted one. The world tells you the worst crime was the "murder" of the Son of God. But murder and God? Mutually exclusive. How can life kill life? God is life, and life doesn’t die. It's an eternal dance, not a graveyard march.
    Sin isn't what you think it is. It's not some cosmic slap on the wrist from a judgmental deity. Sin is a belief in separation, an illusion that you can break away from what is whole, from God, from Life. The Son of God isn’t some martyr hanging on a cross. It's all of us — not in our fragile, temporary bodies, but in our eternal, boundless essence.
    The best and worst, good and evil — they’re just playground games of the ego, illusions keeping you distracted from the truth. In God’s reality, everything is good because only God is real, and God is good. So how could there be opposites like life and death? You think you've got mountains and valleys on this journey? Sure, but you scripted them all. It’s your movie, and God’s the backdrop that never changes.
    You’re climbing hills you think are real, walking through valleys you think can swallow you whole. But even the deepest valley is made of the same stuff as the mountaintop — the ego's illusion of duality. You think you’ve felt love, but love in this world is twisted, distorted. True love is beyond all of it. It's not the sun shining one day and rain pouring the next. It’s an eternal sunrise that never sets.
    God works everything for good because in His Kingdom, it’s all good. You can’t fall off your path — there is no failure in a place where only success exists. What if your biggest disappointments, your darkest valleys, and yes, even your so - called "sins," are the stepping stones to realizing it was all a dream? What if waking up is as simple as understanding that you never left Home?
    If God can take the "worst" thing that ever happened — the supposed death of His Sonand turn it into the best thing, then maybe, just maybe, the "worst" things in your life aren’t failures but opportunities to see the truth.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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