1. Why real love doesn’t ask you to break yourself to fit in.
You’ve been sold a lie — this idea that love equals sacrifice. That to be loved, you need to give something up, compromise your desires, or — how about this one — suffer for it. But what does sacrifice really have to do with love?
Love doesn’t demand you to crawl on shaky legs. It doesn’t ask you to bend until you break. If you think love requires sacrifice, you’re really saying you’re not enough as you are. Sound familiar?
When love becomes a game of “I’ll give this up if you love me,” you’ve wandered into ego territory. That’s attachment. That’s fear. But real love? Real love strengthens you. It doesn’t drain you, it frees you. It comes from wholeness, not from a place of lack. If you feel like you’re losing parts of yourself just to be loved, then what you’re dealing with isn’t love. It’s a trap.
So let me ask you: What are you really sacrificing? And why?
Let's have a new perception — love isn’t about less. It's about being so full that you’ve got plenty to give, but nothing to lose.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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