1. Trading Coffee Cups or Trading Identities?
A man strolls into Starbucks, sees the line snaking like a trapped mind, and quickly reroutes to McDonald’s for his caffeine fix. But as he walks with the McCafe cup in hand, something gnaws at him. He doesn't feel quite as important, doesn't feel as powerful as he does holding that Starbucks emblem.
Two cups, same coffee — yet the Starbuckian status lingers in his mind like a badge of identity. It's not the taste; it’s the illusion of worth he slaps onto the cup itself. It hits him: the only difference is the meaning he’s given it. Starbucks or McCafe, the logos are just props in his internal drama.
For once, he notices the game he's playing — how thoughts of significance and status are all self-fabricated. The coffee is still coffee, but the mind that assigns meaning to it? That’s the real prison. The cup doesn't matter; the only thing that does is the mind that believes in its own illusions.
And the mind that notices its illusions? That’s the mind that’s free.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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