1. Worry is our mind's twisted way of dealing with an uncertain future.
2. This future construction in our minds may or may not come to fruition.
3. Virtually always, the visions in our minds does not come to fruition.
4. Ostensibly we believe we are unable to handle the impending doom we imagine, even though we are almost certainly fully capable.
5. Even if the horrible, terrible, awful thing happens, is there truly no solution for it?
6. Being worried about the future is markedly different than planning for the worst-case scenario.
7. Planning for the worst-case scenario involves identifying risk and reasoning ways to mitigate it. It is pro-active and does not react to ruminations on how incapable we think we are.
8. Insurance companies bank (literally) on us being worried about some unknown future. We give them the power they possess with our worry.
9. Fear of the unknown will never go away but we can learn to positively exist alongside it.
10. Worry never helped anyone build a bridge, write a song, run a marathon, or build a business.
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