1. Why your conditions are your prison.
Daisy: I don’t believe in unconditional love. You can’t just love someone no matter what they do. There have to be conditions, right?
River: No one’s saying you should let someone treat you like trash or tolerate abuse. That’s not the point of unconditional love. It’s about seeing the person for who they are, not judging them for what they do. It’s love without the strings, without the scorecard. It’s real, and it’s not some fairy tale. Honestly, from what you’ve told me about your past, it sounds like you never got that as a kid. Your mom chose your stepdad over you. Your dad chose addiction over you. Has anyone ever told you, “I love you, I’m here for you, and I’m not leaving — no matter what?
Daisy: No.
River: That’s probably why you don’t believe in it — because you’ve never experienced it.
Mentor: Let me jump in here. Daisy, what you believe doesn’t change what’s true. You’re not loving or withholding love based on what someone does —you’re doing it based on who they are. And you’ve already set conditions, you’ve got this whole unwritten script running in your head, and the reason you’re pissed off is because he’s not following it.
You’re focused on behavior, on form, but that’s not where the problem lies. The real issue is the content — what you’re thinking and believing about yourself, your spouse, your mother, your father, whoever. You can set up conditions all day long, but there’s no law that says anyone has to follow them. That’s why you’re unhappy. He’s not reading from your script.
You want real love? Drop the conditions. You’re not in a relationship to direct a play where everyone follows your lines. Unconditional love isn’t a ticket to let someone walk all over you; it’s a way to free yourself from the expectations that are keeping you locked up. It’s not about what someone does or doesn’t do — it’s about who they are. That’s the love that doesn’t demand anything. That’s the love that lasts.
Punchline: Unconditional love isn’t weakness. It’s freedom — from your own expectations and need for control. When you drop the conditions, you finally get to experience real love, because you stop writing scripts for other people to follow. You see them for who they are, not for what you want them to be.
Love isn’t about behavior or conditions. It's about freeing yourself from expectations and loving people for who they truly are.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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