1. The Choice Between Peace and Separation.
Let’s talk about the white elephant in the room—the most obvious thing that everyone either pretends not to see, ignores altogether, or mislabels as something it’s not. Here’s what it is:
It’s impossible for you not to have peace if peace is truly what you want.
That’s it. That’s the white elephant. If peace is what you genuinely desire, then peace is what you will experience. The same is true in any situation: a family gathering, a Christmas dinner, a conversation, or any relationship.
The Two Choices: Join or Separate
At every moment, you are making one of two choices:
1. To join (to connect, to be in love).
2. To separate (to disconnect, to be in fear).
There is no middle ground. Every word, action, and attitude either brings you closer to others in love or pushes you apart in fear. This is the white elephant — it’s always there, but most people don’t see it, don’t want to see it, or pretend it’s something else.
Peace at the Christmas Gathering
Let’s take a classic example: the Christmas family gathering.
• You say you want peace at the table.
• You say you want connection, joy, and harmony.
But here’s the question: Do you really want peace? Because if you do, then peace is already available to you.
If peace is truly your desire, you will naturally choose the words, attitudes, and actions that bring peace into the space. You will let go of grievances, drop the need to be right, and focus on what connects you with others rather than what separates you.
On the other hand, if separation is what you want — even unconsciously — you will experience fear, conflict, and division. You’ll choose words that escalate tension, harbor grievances, or subtly undermine others.
The Tools to Experience What You Want
Here’s the beauty of this truth: when you genuinely desire peace, you are automatically given the tools to create it.
• The Words: You’ll find the right phrasing to defuse tension and foster understanding.
• The Attitude: You’ll embody patience, compassion, and openness.
• The Energy: Your presence will naturally invite connection and calm.
The same is true if your desire is separation. If you want to stay in fear, you’ll unconsciously choose the words and behaviors that create distance, conflict, and disconnection.
The White Elephant in Every Room
This is the white elephant:
1. It’s not the situation that determines your experience — it’s your intention.
2. The relationship, the gathering, the conversation — it’s all neutral.
3. You decide whether to infuse it with love or fear.
When you want to experience peace, the tools for peace are always there. When you want to experience conflict, the tools for conflict are there, too. You’re always choosing, even if you’re not aware of it.
Words Twice Removed From Reality
Let’s bring in another layer. Words are symbols — twice removed from reality. They’re tools, and their purpose is determined by the intention behind them.
• If your intention is to join, your words will reflect love, understanding, and connection.
• If your intention is to separate, your words will reflect fear, judgment, and division.
The words themselves aren’t the source of the experience; they’re the vehicle for your intention.
Seeing the White Elephant
To see the white elephant is to recognize that your experience is always a reflection of your desire. If you’re experiencing conflict, it’s because some part of you is choosing separation. If you’re experiencing peace, it’s because you’ve chosen love.
The white elephant isn’t hiding — it’s right there. The question is, are you willing to see it?
The Choice Is Yours
At the Christmas gathering, in any relationship, or in any moment, the choice is always the same:
1. Do you want to join, or do you want to separate?
2. Do you want love, or do you want fear?
When you choose peace, the tools for peace are given to you. When you choose love, the words, actions, and energy you need to extend love flow naturally.
What say you? Are you picking up what I’m putting down? The white elephant is waiting for you to see it — choose love, and the rest will follow.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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