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Ideas Post


A few photos from my walk around my hometown.

    1. Manga Photography

    Manga artists think hard about each panel, therefor it would make sense that using them as a guide for positioning/posing photographs would result in more dynamic photos, right?

    I could also do the same with newspaper comics to add humour to my images.

    2. Bias Book

    I've put it on hold for a while I really should get back to writing more. A basic understanding of the biases would really change how we interact with each other for the better.

    3. Language Learning Animation

    I really should do more languages for episode 2 and get to work on episode 3.

    I've got an interview for a job in japan. Having another episode to show off to them would really boost my chances of getting a job.

    4. The Boys

    I've loved this series, but s4 has been pretty bad. They flung away a relationship that had been building for 3 seasons, only for the new one to go nowhere. Lot's of 'right wing bad/stupid' propaganda. It went from satire to propaganda. Its not easy to really say were they crossed the line, but it's just not funny now. Nothing of any significance happened. Two deaths of main-ish characters happened, but if they happened off screen, before the series happened no one would care. They're deaths have had no effect on the characters. I've not watched the final yet, maybe that will change everythig, but i doubt it.


    previous seasons - 1 - 10/10 2 - 9/10 3 - 7/10

    5. Cobrai Kai

    The new series is out :D I can't wait to watch it. One of my favourite shows in the last few years. Highly recommend checking it out.

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